Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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When Scootaloo hears from Sweetie Belle that a number of last season's merchandise was leftover at Rarity's Boutique, the young filly gets a mischievous idea regarding her idol. After all, if anypony can make frilly, out-of-style fashion cool... It's Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (1)

It was a week before Nightmare Night, when Rarity decided to take a trip to Canterlot.

And while there, she meets a sweet, classy mare with a prismatic mane, and a habit of saying "Darling". But there's something about her that she finds just too familiar.

And as she'll learn, maybe there's more to this familiarity than meets the eye.

Update (4/8/2023): Now with a Dramatic Reading by Obab Scribbler

Author's Note (11/14):

Sweet Celestia.

Less than 24 hours live and this story has set three milestones for me. This is the first time I've had a story of mine be top of the Featured list, the first time I've had a story of mine get over 100 Likes, and the first time that a story of mine has reached over 1,000 views.

Thank you all so much. I am amazed.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Haunting Prize

Dash convinces Rarity to spend a day playing in the rain with her as a way to make up for what happened in the mansion.

Rarity does not like this because when there is rain, there is mud and she does not like mud!

~You don't have to read the prequel to love this story but you'll probably need to, to understand a part of it. Your choice though~

- Has a little bit of romance between Dash and Rarity in the end:rainbowkiss:

But as I've mentioned before, if anyone was being shipped in the story or not getting shipped in the story, it doesn't mean that I do or don't ship them. I ship many things in the show because of the fandom and the reason of 'just because'.

(or maybe 'cuz people have been unintentionally shoving all kinds of ships into my face that all include my favorite pony that I actually slightly ship them now too:raritydespair:)

Story requested by: superfun

Chapters (1)

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, and Sunset are vary busy and over worked. Rainbow had an idea to help the relax. They all agree to let Rainbow help them relax and spend the weekend at her place. This was a request by superfun I hope that you enjoy.

Contains: hypnosis, age play, playing in the mud, and soap/washing.

Edited by The Dark Wolf

Chapters (1)

Twilight has spent a lot of time in her library, reading, and Rainbow misses Twilight of they both spending time together. She decides to propose a bet for Twilight. If Rainbow wins, Twilight will be her body pillow for a week. If Twilight wins, Rainbow will be her pillow body. Who will win and be lucky enough to be able to hug the mare they like best in bed?

This history is a request of superfun

This is the last request story I will do.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash had a very long day at work. Luckily there's someone who she can rely on to cope.

A bit of fun standalone Flutterdash fluff.

This story is canon to Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake, and takes place a few years prior. Reading that story is not necessary or required to understand this one. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

(This story idea was a request.)

An upcoming charity rodeo event in Ponyville gives Applejack the perfect opportunity to show off her rodeo skills in front of an audience again. There's just one catch, she wants somepony else to do it with her to help drum up interest.

Rarity volunteers when no one else is available. But owing to her lack of experience with rodeos (or any sort of extreme outdoor activities), she seeks out the help of Ponyville's premiere athlete, Rainbow Dash, for some much needed coaching.

Rainbow agrees despite her concerns about Rarity's inexperience. Will Rarity be able to endure the training, and will Rainbow Dash's coaching be what Rarity needs most?

Chapters (1)

It doesn't take Rainbow Dash long after her promotion to the upper Rainbow Factory to figure out just how tough the work really is. There's a lot to learn about weather manufacturing, a lot to learn about the culture of where she works, and a lot to learn about herself in the process. Her most important lesson, however, is the value of songs and those who sing them.

Much thanks to Holtinater (<3) and SunlightRays for editing, and Silent Whisper for inspiration and the cover art.

Love the series? Buy the book!

[TVTropes Article]—No Reading Available—[Playlist of Songs that Inspired the AU]

Chapters (1)

In an attempt to put to rest a nagging question Twilight keeps bringing up, Rainbow Dash agrees to do some genealogical research into her family tree. Imagine her surprise when she finds out that Daring Do is a part of it.

In fact, Daring Do isn't some distant relative or lost cousin, she's the younger sister of Windy Whistles. A revelation that has never before been disclosed for reasons unknown.

Armed with this knowledge, Rainbow sets out to get some answers from none other than the newly discovered link herself, Daring Do. There must be a good reason why she's neglected to inform Rainbow of their shared connection all this time, right?

(An indirect tribute to Sir Sean Connery.)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow becomes a giant and pounces on a house; Twilight is scared of that previous clause.

Chapter is taken from an anthology written long ago.

Chapters (1)